Tuesday, 1 November 2011

K: Technical Decisions

Our shoot on Saturday went very well, we sucessfully planned our time to enable us to film the shots we needed and the weather stayed clear for our shoot which was a great advantage. We shot a variety of shots including:

-The colourful lanterns in the tree shots representing the beauty of nature, light and life where the girl hung herself, using CU’s, Long shots, MS, worms eye view and canted angles. We also used a heart latern to reinforce the idea of love with CU shots.

-We ensured sunlight was present in almost all our shots to create the autumnal sense of happiness and folk music with shots of the tree with sunlight in the background again to represent the place in which the girl hangs herself, using both CU of the bark and with tealights on them, MS, LS and MCU from a variety of different angles, with and without the girl present.

-We also Shot some footage of the girl running in a white dress which will link to the horse and dog running shots. We used a strong costume for the girl, a vintage wedding dress to reinforce the sense of purity and link the scene back to the narrative of escaping from a young marriage.

-The CU and the MCU of the girl’s eye, parts of face and mouth but never revealing her whole face. Aswell as a MCU, CU and MS of the girls hair blowing in the wind aswell as the girls hanging hand which will be shown throughout the video, with strong sunlight behind.

-We used the same framing, MCU and CU for the feet hanging from the tree, however we will need to reshoot this as it didnt work as we hoped.

- We used a variety of angles of the girl wearing the mask as well as the mask in the girls hand in order to use to link the Brighton footage and the sense of insecurity with CU, MCU and LS.

- Some shots of the girl near the tree not showing her face, acting as a representation of the place where she hangs herself so that the audience are able to make the visual link. Using a variety of CU’s, MS, MCU and LS from a variety of angles to gain more interesting shots.

- We used a variety of distances such as CU, MCU, LS and MLS and from a variety of angles to again create more interesting shots based around the prop converse to put a modern edge on the traditional wedding act.

We used a variety of props to link strongly with our traditional white wedding dress costume, these included converse shoes to give a modern edge, lanterns, the mask and tealights.

The equipment used in this shoot consisted of the camera and a tripod in order to keep the camera movement smooth and precise.

I believe the reason our filming went so well was because of our joint efforts, firstly we were all involved in filming and directing the shoots, although I was present in most the shots I helped direct the size and angle of shots. The filming and directing was split equally and everyone had a important role to play we also all brought the appropriate props.

Our shoot on Saturday although very sucessful as we managed to film a large variety of footage also raised many issues. The general public was a particular problem as we couldn't shoot different angles as they appeared in the frame. This restricted our filming however we instead used more size shoots and did select from available angles to shoot.

The weather also proved a problem on our shoot. The sunlight was to be a large part of our video, a symbol of happiness and nature to link back to the folk genre however in areas the light created to much shadow or in others the footage appeared to be over exposed. We did however film a variety of angles facing and with our back to the sun so when it comes to the editing process we should be able to over come this process.

We also failed to bring appropriate props for example rope, balloons and something to hold the girl up to film her feet. This means a reshoot is in order at our location Calvarly Park.

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