This illustrative video by Paulo Nutini aesthetically combines both artist performance and meta narrative by a strong narrative following a couple's marriage. By studying this video I was able to look at the presentation and ideologies surrounding male solo artists in the indie/folk genre. Nutini's video has a authentic grain of voice, displaying his signing voice as an expressive instrument personal to the singer; a similar style to that of Ben Howard's 'The Promise'. Through a highly artistic and illustrative emotional story line Nutini develops his star image over time with the exaggorated use of 'meat shots'.
Nutini successully amplifies the meaning of the track by closely linking the lyrics to the mise en scene; through an anti commercial video. Although Nutini is traditionally stereotypical of a folk singer with soft and romantic lyrics and artistic feel-good mise en scene, he goes against stereotypical men and the dominant ideologies surrounding them; the idea of their businesslike, lazy and aggressive attitude. Paulo Nutini instead sells his band image in a subtle way, linkning the strong narrative back to his passionate singing.
Nutini uses the cultural code of focusing the narrative on the Italien culture to further the meta narrative and introduce the audience to the idea of his upbringing linking the locations and mise en scene used back to his personal background, further reinforcing his band image. His age is similar to that of Ben Howards but instead heavily relying of landscape and nature as mise en scene Paulo creates a story in particular Italian locations such as the church to reinforce his religious beliefs and strong Italian passion.
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